Friday, December 7, 2012

No, Google, I Will Not Pay to Post My Children's Pictures

The lack of posts recently is due to the fact that Google has now capped the amount of storage space available in my Picasa photo album. Google wants me to pay for extra storage space just to share pictures of my child on a private blog, and I'm going to have to politely decline to do that. Instead, I will do my best to share photos of both Madalyn and Avery as often as possible on Facebook. If you are not connected to me via Facebook, please send a request and I will add you as a friend. I like to be able to share pictures of the little ones for friends and family and I hope you have enjoyed them. It is unfortunate that Google has decided to try to monetize what used to be a free blog.

Madalyn and Avery are doing well. Take care and have a great weekend.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Meeting Grandma and Grandpa Mac

Avery Grace was able to meet Grandpa and Grandma McFarland this past weekend. She and Madalyn had a great time with them.

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

One Month Old

So it's actually been five weeks, but I'm a little behind!

Meeting Uncle Benjy...

Enjoying her furry bear rug...

Have a great week!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Two Weeks Already?

Hard to believe it's been more than two weeks since Avery arrived. She still sleeps a lot and generally looks adorable...

Have a great week!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Avery has Arrived!

Welcome to Avery's blog! Avery Grace McFarland was born at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital in San Diego on September 21, 2012, at 10:53 am. She weighed 8 pounds and measured 20 inches long.

Here are a few pictures from her (mostly) sleeping her way through her first week...

More pics to come... Feel free to follow the blog by entering your email address in the field in the upper right portion of the page.